What is ibix mobile LAB?
IBIX mobile LAB is a comprehensive & versatile portable laboratory to analyse and diagnose historic building materials in an easy and clear manner. In using this equipment the basic techniques to categorise natural and artificial stones as well as degradation phenomena are made available to all those working in Cultural Heritage preservation. IBIX mobile LAB is a must to efficiently manage Cultural Heritage throughout the entire conservation process, from the fact-finding project to the conservation itself, paying special attention to programmed maintenance.
Mobile Lab is a portable tool for diagnostics and the methods of analysis comply with both Italian and European regulations by UNI-Beni Culturali (Cultural Heritage) and EN-Conservation of Cultural Property respectively.
What is IBIX Extended Lab?
Thanks to its fully equipped Laboratory at IBIX HQ, it is possible to support analysis and technical reports made with Portable Mobile Lab on the field.

Optical microscopy Analysis
Portable USB microscope; magnification: 10X min, 150X max; builtin LED ligh.

Reflectance Spectrophotometry and Colourimetry Analysis
Reflectance spectrophotometer; spectral range: 410-740 nm; automatic calibration; colour space used: CIE L*a*b*; Illuminant: D65; Observer: 10°; Reference standards: EN 15886:2010 ‘Conservation of cultural property - Test methods - Colour measurement of surfaces’.

Measurement of water absorption under low pressure
Cell to measure water absorption under low pressure by IBIX mobile LAB; diameter of surface measured: 27-35-47 mm; measurement column volume: 0.2-1-2-5-10 ml; measurement on horizontal/vertical surfaces; Reference standards: NORMAL 44/93 ‘Assorbimento d’acqua a bassa pressione’ (Water absorption under low pressure).

Water absorption test with contact sponge
NORMAL UNI 11432:2011-. Methodology for in-situ evaluation of the effectiveness of water-repellent treatments on monumental surfaces with contact sponge method.

Moisture content by gravimetric determination Weighing set
Samples processed by IBIX mobile LAB; Reference standards: UNI 11085:2003 - Beni Culturali - Materiali lapidei naturali ed artificiali – ‘Determinazione del contenuto d’acqua: Metodo ponderale” (Cultural Heritage – Natural and artificial stones - Moisture content determination. Gravimetric method).

Total soluble salt testing
Total soluble salt testing Conductivity meter and pH meter; operating range: pH from 0.00 to 14.00; EC from 0 to 3999 μS/cm; resolution: 0.01 pH; EC: 1 μS/cm; precision: ±0.05 pH; EC: ±2% FS; temperature: ±0.5 °C; automatic temperature compensation; weighing set; dehydration; samples processed by IBIX mobile LAB; Reference standards: UNI 11087:2003 - Beni Culturali - Materiali lapidei naturali ed artificiali - Determinazione del contenuto di sali solubili (Cultural Heritage – Natural and artificial stones – Determination of soluble salt content).

Tests to analyse sulphate, nitrate, chloride content
Total soluble salt testing Conductivity meter and pH meter; operating range: pH from 0.00 to 14.00; EC from 0 to 3999 μS/cm; resolution: 0.01 pH; EC: 1 μS/cm; precision: ±0.05 pH; EC: ±2% FS; temperature: ±0.5 °C; automatic temperature compensation; weighing set; dehydration.

Non-destructive electromagnetic induction measurement that
leverages the ability of water molecules to attenuate, then modify,
magnetic fields. The electric field penetrates the material through
the instrument’s contact tabs, creating a measuring range of
approximately 5 cm in depth. The instrument provides water content
in percentage weight in relation to the dry mass (%) on the basis of
typical curves for each material.
Instrument used: TESTO 616
- Measurement range on wood:<50%
- Measurement range on construction materials:<20%
- Resolution: 0,1%
- Depth of measurement: up to 5 cm (N.B.: the outer layers of the material)
- Have a greater impact on the result of the measurement than inner layers.

Ambient parameter measurement
Infrared pyrometer to measure surface temperature; measurement range: -20_+270 °C; resolution: 1 °C; precision: ± 3 % of the measurement value -1 °C; measurement point (distance / size ratio): 8:1; emissivity: 0.95 Psychrometer; measuring range: 0-100 % RH; 30...+100 °C; Resolution: 0.01 % RU; temperature: 0.01 °C; Precision: ± 2.0 % RU at 25 °C; ± 0.5 °C at 25 °C; wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature calculation.

USB Memory
Equipped with a USB memory with all the technical and laboratory sheets to support the software procedures.
The final diagnosis
Your technical report just a click away!
The dedicated software developed by START Apps S.r.l. controls all
operations. It also guides the operator, step by step, on how to carry out
chemical-physical tests in order to obtain objective results. These results
will help designers, restorers and administrators of Cultural Heritage to
devise a modern approach to conservation.
Diagnosis projects are easily managed via simply structured and intuitive
software, with illustrative images of the test steps and procedures and a
flexible siterelated data management system.
The report contains complete results of the analyses carried out with Mobile Lab on each sample of material. There are graphs, charts, ambient conditions when samples were taken and all the details of compliance with Eu regulations.
Detailed diagnosis tests: IBIX Extended Lab
In case further lab tests are required, the interface can help you prepare
samples following internationally recognised standards and independently
calculate the costs of surveys carried out at our multiservice centre. The
results are automatically included in the technical report.
Our multiservice centre is equipped with the most advanced lab
techniques to categorise the physical and chemical characteristics of
materials, and is staffed by professional technicians, highly trained in
diagnosing Cultural Heritage.
The IBIX Mobile Lab modular structure facilitates compiling customised
reports automatically, thus reducing times and costs of the fact-finding
process. Software can be updated via the web at any time.
The Mobile lab is a powerful, but at the same time, easy to use tool.
Drafting the report is also very easy and quick thanks to the integrated software available in each Lab.
Your technical report just a click away!

Operating cycle
Thanks to the BIOCARE IBIX Method everything is under control!

Degradation status
IBIX uses the most advanced non-destructive or micro-invasive analytical techniques for the characterization of materials and the evaluation of related degradation phenomena.

Materials diagnostic analyses
IBIX provides consultancy and diagnostic services in the field of Cultural Heritage to companies and professionals operating in the field of conservation. Particular attention is dedicated to the execution of tests provided for in current Italian and European legislation, UNI-Cultural Heritage, of CEN-TC 346 and those on stone materials defined by the NORMAL recommendations.

Interpretation of collected data
IBIX cooperates with specialized centers for laboratory analysis on Cultural Heritage to guarantee the best interpretation of data, also partnering in a multidisciplinary way with professional figures involved, such as designers, Works Managers, companies, renovators, as well as art historians, and museum collectors or curators.

Transfer of know-how
The goal of IBIX is to represent a quality specialist support for professional involved in the restoration business. For this reason, it commits itself to transferring its know-how to customers through the sharing of the technical evaluation report and the subsequent selection of the best technical cycle.
Our interventions
A short reference list with all our achievements
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